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Clean Technology

CERACLAD has exclusive Photocatalytic Coating for superior performance

CERACLAD Triple Coating Technology

Factory finished, available in proprietary colors

Excellent UV blocking properties, 20-year Fade Limited Warranty

Self-cleaning, Air purifying, Anti-virus and Anti-bacterial

The main skeleton of the CERACLAD panel is 100% inorganic so bonding is stronger than the ultraviolet energy and there is almost no deterioration.

Ceramic Coating

20-year Fade Limited Warranty

CERACLAD’s inorganic ceramic coating has excellent UV blocking properties to protect the color layer from ultraviolet rays and minimize fading of the outer wall. Maintenance costs are reduced by virtually eliminating the need for repainting. This technology is exclusive to CERACLAD.


There was almost no color change on the CERACLAD panels. CERACLAD ceramic coated panels are available in proprietary colors and come with a 20-year color guarantee. 


Sunshine Arc Test

The red line in the graph represents the performance of CERACLAD.

(Red line in the graph)
Other product (Blue line in the graph)
After 30 Years (15,000 hrs.)
  No Change Deteriorated by UV and Rain

Photocatalytic Coating

Naturally Self-Cleaning - Sunshine Decomposes Dirt,
Rain Washes it Away

Self-Cleaning 365 days a year

CERACLAD’s photocatalytic coating is energized by the presence of light and transforms the coated surface to create a ‘self-cleaning’ functionality. Dirt is decomposed by the sun (UV Rays), and weakening adhesion to the surface and the super-hydrophilic property helps rainwater to wash it away.


Decomposition power + Super hydrophilic property


photocatalytic drawing

When exposed to sunlight, the Titanium Oxide layer breaks down dirt and reduces adherence.

The super-hydrophilic property helps rainwater penetrate under dirt, displaces it, and then washes it away.

Decomposition Power

When exposed to sunlight, the Titanium Oxide layer breaks down dirt and reduces adherence.

Super Hydrophilic Property

The super-hydrophilic property helps rainwater penetrate under dirt, displaces it, and then washes it away.

Dirt Removal Test


Photocatalytic Ceramic Coating Features

Without Photocatalytic Coating                   With Photocatalytic Coating

CERACLAD Triple Coating (Photocatalytic + Ceramic Coating)

Before 30 years later (no paint chalking)


The Photocatalytic Ceramic Coating provides long-lasting quality and beauty. 

Air Purifying

The photocatalytic coating decomposes car exhaust and other pollutants in the air (NOx and SOx) and turns them into NO3 harmless polyatomic ions leaving the air cleaner.

Plants purify pollutants such as NOx (nitrogen oxides) contained in car exhaust. The poplar tree is one of the plants that absorbs the most NOx.

Plant NO2 Absorption

Absorption 3.0 3.02.5 2.52.0 2.01.5 1.51.0 1.0
Deciduous tree Poplar  Cherry  Birch Oak Chestnut Azalea
  Paulownia Persimmon Ginko Plum - -
Evergreen - Eucalyptus Bayberry Tea Camphor Camellia

Japan National Institute for Environmental Studies

The air purification capability of photocatalytic coating is appx. 0.44g/day/sq.ft. (0.04g/day/m2), which is 68 poplar trees per 10,000 sq.ft.

Photocatalytic coated exterior surface of a 10,000 sq. ft. building           68 Poplar trees

air purifying capability

The air purifying properties of the photocatalytic coating for a 10,000 sq.ft. building is equal to planting 68 poplar trees. 10 CERACLAD panels is equal to planting 1 poplar tree. 

Anti-Virus + Anti-Bacteria

The photocatalytic coating will inactivate viruses and bacteria on the outer wall surface.

When the photocatalytic coating is exposed to sunlight (UV rays), the free radical ions generated from the photocatalyst decompose viruses and bacteria on the surface.


photocatalytic diagram

Anti-Bacteria Test

Black mold (Cladosporium cladosporioides NBRC63480) was applied on the surface of the photocatalytic coated panels. After one week no mold had grown on the photocatalytic coated surface.

*Based on our internal study

*It does not prove that mold, moss, and algae do not grow on the exterior wall in an actual building.

UV Ray Test - Photocatalytic Coating

One Week Later



CERACLAD's photocatalytic coating eliminates 99.9% of viruses on the outer wall surface over an 8 hour period.

virus graph