Ep. 82 Fabio Zaniboni

Ep. 82 Fabio Zaniboni
In this Architecture and Innovation Podcast episode, host Thomas Dioro interviews Fabio Zaniboni, founder, and chief vision officer of BubblyNet and Zaniboni Lighting. The discussion delves into Fabio's vision for revolutionizing building wellness through intelligent technology, such as Bluetooth mesh systems for lighting, sound masking, and air quality control.
The conversation covers topics such as circadian lighting's impact on human biology, lighting technology's evolution, and IoT's integration in building controls to enhance sustainability and user wellness.
Fabio also shares insights from his recent projects and the potential benefits for both office environments and educational settings.
For more information, visit BubblyNet's website at http://bubblynet.com/
Show Index:
00:00 Introduction to the Perfect Bubble Concept
00:46 Welcome to the Architecture and Innovation Podcast
01:10 Meet Fabio Zaniboni, Visionary in Lighting
02:12 The Importance of Light in Architecture
03:40 Circadian Lighting and Its Biological Effects
04:27 Case Study: Lighting in Windowless Environments
06:47 Lighting's Impact on Productivity and Education
10:02 Innovative Projects in the IoT Space
16:06 The Evolution of Lighting Controls
23:14 The Future of Building Management with AI
25:08 Closing Remarks and Final Thoughts
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