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Episode 1: Jared Smith

Architect, Photographer & Property Consultant (

Article written by Sophia_Eve

Meet Jared Smith: A Pioneer in Cladding Innovation

In the realm of cladding solutions, one name stands out as a trailblazer in the pursuit of excellence and innovation - Jared Smith. With his visionary approach and unwavering commitment to sustainable design, Smith has established himself as a leading expert and pioneer in the field of cladding innovation.

Jared Smith

Jared Smith created the Architect Owl brand, which focuses on the creative fields of architecture, real estate, and photography, and serves as its lead architect. Jared is enthusiastic about the creative process, photography, writing, and living.  Jared is not only well-versed in design and construction but also in the specific Building Codes and Zoning regulations of New York City and other local towns.


To listen to Jared's Podcast Interview
Episode 1: Jared Smith | CERACLAD

Advancing Architecture and Innovation: A Focus on Superior Cladding Solutions

The search for outstanding cladding solutions that integrate beauty, cost, and sustainability has never been more crucial in the world of architecture and design. The goal of Jared Smith and his team, explored in this article, is to change the industry by providing top-notch cladding materials and solutions that satisfy the demands of the design community while fostering a healthy living environment. Join us as we explore the intersection of innovation and design while revealing the revolutionary potential of better cladding.

A Passion for Architecture and Design

From an early age, Jared Smith developed a deep-rooted passion for architecture and a keen eye for design. He was captivated by how buildings interacted with their surroundings and their impact on people's lives. This fascination fueled his drive to explore the potential of cladding materials and their transformative power in architectural aesthetics.

Challenging Conventional Norms

Smith recognized the need for cladding solutions that met the functional requirements of buildings and pushed the boundaries of design and sustainability. Drawing inspiration from nature, he sought to develop materials that harmonized with the environment and created a seamless integration between the built and natural worlds.

Holistic Approach to Cladding Solutions

What sets Jared Smith apart is his holistic approach to cladding solutions. He understands that cladding is not merely a superficial layer but a vital element that impacts the overall performance and experience of a building. His designs focus on creating healthy living environments that promote well-being and enhance the quality of life for occupants.

Commitment to Sustainability

Smith's commitment to sustainability is evident in every aspect of his work. He collaborates with manufacturers and suppliers who share his vision, ensuring that the materials used in his cladding solutions are responsibly sourced, energy-efficient, and recyclable. By prioritizing eco-friendly practices, he has become a driving force in the movement toward greener and more sustainable construction.

Champion of Collaboration and Knowledge-Sharing

Beyond his technical expertise, Jared Smith is a champion of collaboration and knowledge-sharing. He actively engages with the design community, architects, and industry professionals to foster a culture of innovation. Through lectures, workshops, and partnerships, he encourages exploring new ideas and exchanging best practices, further propelling the field of cladding innovation.

Impact on the Architectural Landscape

The impact of Jared Smith's work can be seen in numerous projects around the world. His cladding solutions have left an indelible mark on the architectural landscape, from iconic skyscrapers with captivating facades to residential developments that seamlessly blend with their natural surroundings.

Looking Towards the Future

As we look to the future, Jared Smith continues to push the boundaries of what is possible in cladding innovation. His relentless pursuit of excellence and dedication to creating sustainable, visually striking, and functionally superior cladding materials inspire architects, designers, and industry professionals alike.

The Triad of Success: Attractiveness, Affordability, and Healthy Living: Creating Aesthetic Wonders

Attractiveness is a fundamental aspect of cladding solutions. The exterior appearance of a building plays a crucial role in capturing attention, conveying a sense of identity, and creating a lasting impression. Cladding materials that offer diverse textures, colors, and finishes provide architects and designers with the tools to bring their artistic vision to life. By selecting visually striking cladding options, they can transform ordinary structures into architectural wonders that inspire and captivate.

Balancing Budgets and Accessibility

Affordability is a key consideration in the selection of cladding solutions. Building projects must adhere to budgetary constraints without compromising on quality and design integrity. Opting for cost-effective materials that offer durability, longevity, and low maintenance requirements allows architects and developers to achieve their vision within financial limitations. By striking the right balance between aesthetics and affordability, cladding solutions become accessible to a broader range of projects and clientele.

Promoting Health and Well-being

Creating a healthy living environment is an increasingly vital aspect of cladding solutions. Buildings have a profound impact on occupants' well-being, and cladding materials can contribute to this by prioritizing factors such as indoor air quality, thermal comfort, and acoustics. Sustainable and environmentally friendly cladding options help reduce exposure to harmful substances, improve energy efficiency, and create spaces that foster occupant health and productivity. By considering the impact of cladding on human health, architects and designers can create spaces that nurture well-being and enhance the quality of life.

Integration and Synergy

The three elements of attractiveness, affordability, and healthy living are not isolated factors but rather interconnected aspects that influence one another. A truly successful cladding solution seamlessly integrates all three components, achieving a harmonious balance. Attractive designs can be achieved without compromising affordability or healthy living standards, while affordable options can still offer aesthetic appeal and contribute to occupant well-being. This integration ensures that cladding solutions are holistic, effective, and sustainable in meeting the needs of the design community and end-users.

Collaboration and Innovation

Achieving the triad of success requires collaboration between architects, designers, manufacturers, and industry professionals. By fostering partnerships and embracing innovation, the boundaries of what is possible in cladding solutions can be pushed. Collaborative efforts can lead to the development of new materials, technologies, and construction methods that enhance attractiveness, affordability, and healthy living aspects. By staying at the forefront of industry advancements, professionals can collectively shape the future of cladding solutions and unlock new opportunities for design excellence.

Elevating Sustainability: Environmental-Friendly Cladding

As the world grapples with the challenges of climate change and environmental degradation, the construction industry has recognized the pressing need for sustainable practices. Within the realm of cladding solutions, a significant shift towards environmental-friendly options has emerged. In this section, we explore the importance of sustainability in cladding and the advancements being made in creating environmentally conscious cladding materials.

Addressing the Environmental Impact

Traditional cladding materials often come with significant environmental drawbacks, such as high carbon emissions, excessive resource consumption, and limited recyclability. Recognizing these issues, architects, designers, and manufacturers are actively seeking alternatives that minimize the environmental impact of cladding. Environmental-friendly cladding materials aim to reduce energy consumption, conserve natural resources, and decrease waste generation throughout their lifecycle.

Choosing Renewable and Recycled Materials

The use of recycled and renewable materials is a crucial component of sustainable cladding. Traditional materials may be replaced with more ecologically friendly ones, such as bamboo or wood from sustainably managed forests. They leave a less carbon footprint and can organically replace themselves, reducing the use of limited resources. Additionally, using recycled materials like composites made of recycled plastic or metal helps keep trash out of landfills and lessens the demand for virgin resources.

Energy Efficiency and Insulation

Sustainable cladding solutions also focus on improving the energy efficiency of buildings. By integrating insulation properties into cladding materials, heat transfer can be minimized, reducing the energy needed for heating and cooling. Insulated cladding systems not only enhance thermal comfort but also contribute to lower energy consumption and reduced greenhouse gas emissions. Energy-efficient cladding can be achieved through various methods, such as incorporating high-performance insulation materials or utilizing double-skin facade systems.

Harnessing Renewable Energy

Innovative sustainable cladding solutions go beyond just reducing environmental impact; they actively contribute to the generation of clean, renewable energy. Integration of solar panels or photovoltaic cladding systems allows buildings to harness the power of the sun and generate electricity on-site. This approach not only reduces reliance on traditional energy sources but also helps to offset carbon emissions associated with the building's operations.

Life Cycle Assessment and Durability

A comprehensive approach to sustainable cladding involves considering the entire life cycle of materials. Life cycle assessment (LCA) analyzes the environmental impact of cladding solutions from extraction or manufacturing to installation, use, and end-of-life considerations. By evaluating the embodied energy, carbon footprint, and recyclability of cladding materials, architects and designers can make informed decisions that prioritize durability and longevity.

Regenerative Design and Biodiversity

Sustainable cladding also encompasses regenerative design principles that aim to restore ecosystems and promote biodiversity. Incorporating green facades, living walls, or vertical gardens into cladding systems not only enhances the aesthetics of buildings but also supports ecological balance. These features contribute to air purification, urban heat island reduction, and habitat creation for wildlife, fostering a harmonious relationship between the built environment and the natural world.

The Power of Innovation: Advancements in Cladding Solutions

Exploring New Materials

One of the driving forces behind innovation in cladding solutions is the exploration and development of new materials. Researchers and manufacturers are continuously pushing the boundaries, seeking alternatives to traditional cladding materials that offer enhanced performance, sustainability, and aesthetics. From engineered timber and bio-based composites to cutting-edge lightweight metals and high-performance polymers, the palette of available materials continues to expand, offering architects and designers unprecedented opportunities for creativity and functionality.

Integration of Smart Technologies

The advent of smart technologies has ushered in a new era of possibilities for cladding solutions. Integration of sensors, actuators, and intelligent control systems enables cladding to respond dynamically to environmental conditions. Smart cladding can adjust its transparency, ventilation, or insulation properties in real-time, optimizing energy efficiency and occupant comfort. Furthermore, the incorporation of digital interfaces and augmented reality allows for interactive and immersive experiences, transforming the way people engage with and perceive the built environment.

Parametric Design and Digital Fabrication

The rise of parametric design and digital fabrication has revolutionized the way cladding systems are conceptualized and realized. These innovative approaches empower architects and designers to create complex, intricate, and highly customized cladding geometries that were previously unattainable. Through the use of advanced software tools and robotic manufacturing processes, digital design data can be seamlessly translated into physical cladding components, enabling greater precision, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness in construction.

Advancements in Sustainable Performance

Innovation in cladding solutions has led to significant advancements in sustainable performance. Environmental considerations, such as energy efficiency, thermal insulation, and recyclability, have become key focal points in cladding design. The integration of renewable energy generation technologies, passive cooling systems, and advanced insulation materials has resulted in cladding systems that contribute to reduced energy consumption and carbon emissions. Additionally, innovative approaches to rainwater harvesting, greywater recycling, and air purification further enhance the sustainability credentials of cladding solutions.

Biophilic Design and Nature-Inspired Solutions

In recent years, there has been a growing emphasis on biophilic design and nature-inspired solutions in cladding. Recognizing the positive impact of nature on human well-being, innovative cladding solutions incorporate elements such as green walls, living facades, or biomimetic designs. These features enhance the aesthetic appeal of buildings and promote biophilic experiences, connecting occupants with the natural world and creating healthier, more harmonious built environments.

Collaboration and Interdisciplinary Approaches

Innovation in cladding solutions is often the result of collaboration between architects, engineers, material scientists, and manufacturers. Embracing interdisciplinary approaches and fostering partnerships allows for the cross-pollination of ideas, expertise, and resources. By combining diverse perspectives and knowledge, stakeholders in the industry can collectively drive innovation forward, pushing the boundaries of what is possible in cladding design and technology.


Jared Smith and his team are on a mission to transform the architecture and design industry by developing and discussing superior cladding solutions. By focusing on attractiveness, affordability, environmental friendliness, and meeting the aesthetic and performance needs of the design community, they aim to positively impact the built environment. Their dedication to innovation and sustainability is paving the way for a future where superior cladding plays a vital role in creating healthy and visually stunning architectural spaces.