Testimonials / Case-Study

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Exploring San Francisco properties
Our visit to San Francisco - A short experience article
By Hina, Aki & Yuki of KMEW Japan

Architectural styles change depending on the climate, and the same can be said for the exteriors of buildings and construction methods. In areas with a lot of precipitation, our rainscreen system is highly effective under any climatic conditions in extending the lifespan of homes. However, in areas with little rainfall, a rainscreen cladding system is often overlooked. We visited several properties in California to understand how our products are used in regions with minimal rain.

Blomquist Navigation Center - Redwood City, CA
Interim Modular Housing was constructed in Redwood City, situated southwest of San Francisco Bay. The building has received a 3-star rating, built according to Green Certification standards, contributing to the sustainability of the structure. Navigation Center is entirely clad in CERACLAD, the textures include our 8Reveal (Silk) as the base color to achieve overall harmony, with three colors from our Zen Garden selection (Brass, Silk, and Midnight Blue) serving as accents on each side, imparting an expressive yet sophisticated impression to the building.

Menlo uptown and Menlo portal - Menlo Park, CA
These new Multifamily Apartments are located in Menlo Park, southeast of San Francisco. Most of this property is made of CERACLAD, which is designed to make a strong impression using monotone colors of white, black, and saffron. The base and accents are divided to create a sophisticated appearance. In addition to the design, the Triple coating technology protects the building from ultraviolet rays and stains, preserving the value of the building.
Our Experience
During our experience here, we found American buildings to be unique and have multiple accents colors. Versus back home, Japanese buildings tend to be similar in structure and prefer to use 2-3 colors at most. Bright colors such as orange and saffron are rarely seen as our buildings are built to reflect more natural tones and textures. We found that the differences between each region are very interesting.
It is a great honor to see our panels used for such large projects as these. We aim to provide the value of CERACLAD to all our clients.